2024 Nature Decelerator

2024 Nature Decelerator

Immersive retreat for leaders to cultivate their relationship with our greatest teacher

Headwaters Outdoor School | HYPE | Wise Innovation Project

🗓️ Sept 6 - 11

🗺️ Mt. Shasta, CA

🎟️ Sign up to learn more


Inspired by Julia Plevin Oliansky and Andrew Dunn’s experiences unwinding from the imbalances of Silicon Valley culture, this retreat is for those interested in slowing down, deepening their connection to Earth, and exploring how they can leverage their skills in greater service.

Professionals across many fields — especially, technology, business, nonprofits and creatives — will learn valuable new perspectives and practices.

Over the course of five days immersed in an abundance of wildlife, creeks, meadows, forests and spectacular views, you’ll experience:

  • Nourishment | Silence and stillness, digital detox, healthy organic meals, sweat lodges and cold plunges, time for reflection, stars and animals and fires and tree climbing
  • Learning | Hear stories and lectures from wisdom keepers about aligning with natural cycles, sensitivity, fire tending, regenerative design, leadership in these dynamic times, the relationship between ecology, health, ethics, business and technology
  • Relationships | Make connections and engage in stimulating conversations with a diverse group of kindred spirits on a journey towards greater wholeness
  • Integration | Reconnect with your visions and apply new insights, skills, and practices to your life, organization, and projects

🪄 Context & Intention

This Moment Asks Us To Pause

We’re living in dynamic times. Technology is advancing as rapidly as our climate is unraveling. We’re in the midst of a loneliness epidemic — not only separated from other people, but from our bodies and the Earth.

With record temperatures, election fervor, and AI poised to further disrupt the fabric of society this year—how can we navigate these challenging times in a good way?

We need to slow down to feel and find our way forward. We need to ask better questions. We need to find a new way to live with ourselves, each other, and planet Earth.

Reconnect with Nature

Being human is about being in rhythm and ritual with the natural world. Most of us have forgotten these ways. But we can remember.

When we align ourselves with Earth, life starts to flow in a deeper, more easeful, and more beautiful way. We find greater determination and more trust. We experience more awe, creativity, contentment, and presence. We experience healing.

Re-learning how to be in relationship with the Earth is an integral part of the way forward. Those leaders who are in relationship with nature will be more resilient, adaptable, attuned–personally and organizationally.

Re-align Our Lives This September we’ll gather to rest, play, grieve, learn, and celebrate the beauty of this world, integrating wisdom practices from Earth Caretaker Way, The Healing Magic of Forest Bathing, and custom offerings for this retreat. Join us as we reconnect with what matters most, including greater clarity on our unique path of service in these times.


ℹ️ Logistics

High level overview of what the retreat includes:

  • Three delicious organic meals per day
  • Sleeping inside wooden teepees or under the stars
  • Overnight solo vision fast
  • Guidebook with additional inquiries and practices for you to explore on your own time
  • Zoom integration calls
  • Optional integration days at nearby Hestia retreat center

✅ Enrollment

Limited spots available. We offer a sliding scale payment model in accordance with various levels of financial ability as follows:

  • Executive Rate: $3000 for those of greater financial means, who understand the amount of work that goes into creating an experience like this and want to support the long-term vision
  • Professional Rate: $2000 for professionals and those able to contribute a little more to the vision
  • Student Rate: $1000 for students and practitioners with little expendable income

Sponsors are welcome to get in touch to create scholarship opportunities.


🧑‍💻 Meet Your Retreat Facilitators




Tim Corcoran (Teacher) began a career teaching wildlife conservation, in 1974. His most recent and important wilderness experiences have been greatly enriched by the teachings of Tom Brown Jr. the well known tracker and author. In 1992, with Headwaters Outdoor School, Tim realized his lifelong vision to share what he have learned from the Earth and to inspire people to discover their own connection with the Earth. He recently published The Earth Caretaker Way.

Julia Plevin Oliansky (Teacher) is the author of The Healing Magic of Forest Bathing and the founder of The Forest Bathing Club. In addition to having over a decade of experience working in innovation and brand strategy, she has studied Earth-based healing with elders around the world and is trained in forest therapy, yoga, permaculture, energy healing, and kambo.

Andrew Murray Dunn (Producer) is a student at the intersection of human development and innovation, currently focused on co-activating Wise Innovation Project. He works as a trans-disciplinary visionary and pollinator, helping people bring ideas to life in ways that are more awesome for all involved. Before serving as Innovation Lead at Center for Humane Technology, Andrew spent over 10 years in early stage startup operations experience, most notably with the pioneering Public Benefit Corporation Siempo while they developed an award-winning open source humane smartphone interface.

🙋🏼‍♀️ FAQ

What’s the registration process like?

If you are interested in registering for the retreat, please fill out this application and one of our Retreat Facilitators will schedule time to see if it’s the right fit! We also plan on hosting an information session soon.

Who is this for?

Professionals who sense that something is a little off in their life, organization, and society. And that something might have to do with our disconnection from and disenchantment with life on earth.

High performers who are looking for something more, something deeper. Who are curious about different ways of walking through life. Perhaps questioning their role and lifestyle at this unique time in human history.

Leaders and creatives across tech and business, nonprofits and education, politics and faith organizations are welcome to join us.

I can’t make these dates. Will you offer the retreat again?

No future dates are set yet, though we hope that this kind of retreat will be offered in many places moving forward.

Subscribe to Wise Innovation Projects’s newsletter to be informed of upcoming offerings.

What gear will I need to bring?

We’ll share a detailed packing list as the retreat gets closer.

How can I get in touch?

This retreat is brought to you by Wise Innovation Project, an emerging non-profit initiative with a mission to re-imagine innovation education; and HYPE: a climate creative agency for those who place the Planet at the center of their purpose.